
Jamestown 社区 College’s privacy policy on eagle1027.com

在詹姆斯敦社区学院, 我们致力于保护您的隐私,使个人和企业与JCC的互动更容易、更高效. 我们认识到,对于个人和企业来说,在访问sunyjcc时,确保他们的隐私受到保护是至关重要的.edu. 你可以游览太阳的大部分地区.edu without giving us any information about yourself. Sometimes we do need information to provide 服务 that you request, and this commitment of privacy explains our online information practices.

JCC不会收集您的任何个人信息,除非您通过发送电子邮件自愿提供这些信息, 填写网页表格, 或完成在线申请. This policy is consistent with the provisions of the Internet Security and Privacy Act, 信息自由法, 个人隐私保护法, 和《网赌信誉排名网站》.

Information collected automatically when you visit eagle1027.com

访问sunyjcc时.edu, JCC uses Google Analytics to automatically collect, 分析, and store the following information about the user’s visit:

  • 页面信息
    • URL – the URL of the page the user is viewing
    • Title – the title of the page the user is viewing
  • 浏览器的信息
    • Browser name – the browser the user is using
    • Viewport or Viewing pane – the size of the browser window
    • Screen resolution – the resolution of the user’s screen
    • Java enabled – whether or not the user has Java enabled
    • Flash version – what version of Flash the user is using
  • 用户信息
    • Location – this is derived from the IP address where the hit originated. IP地址本身在GA中不可用,因为它是个人身份信息(PII),违反了Google Analytics的条款.
    • 语言 – derived from the language settings of the browser
    • 频率和留存率——用户访问网站的次数和时间
    • 源-使用该站点的用户的ISP
    • Device - device type of users browsing (computer, tablet or mobile device)
    • Channels - the keywords and sites that referred them

None of the above-mentioned information is deemed to constitute personal information. The information that is collected automatically is used to improve eagle1027.com’s content and to help JCC understand how users are interacting with its website.

收集这些信息是为了进行统计分析,并确定用户最感兴趣和最不感兴趣的信息. 收集这些信息是为了指导内部营销决策,JCC无权出售或以其他方式披露从sunyjcc收集的信息.edu.


在您访问sunyjcc期间.你可以发邮件到JCC. Your email address and the contents of your message will be collected. The information collected is not limited to text characters 和5月 include audio, video, and graphic information formats included in the message. 您的电子邮件地址和信息将被用于回复您, 解决你发现的问题, 改善本网站, or to forward your message to other JCC personnel for appropriate action.

Your email address is not collected for commercial purposes, JCC无权出售或以其他方式披露您的电子邮件地址用于商业目的.

在您访问sunyjcc期间.edu you may complete a transaction such as an online application or a web form. JCC收集的信息, 包括 personal information volunteered by you in completing the transaction, 由JCC使用,并可能由JCC披露,用于可从提交信息的交易的性质和条款中合理确定的目的.

JCC不会故意收集13岁以下儿童的个人信息,也不会创建13岁以下儿童的简介. Google Analytics specifically filters collection of children’s information to JCC. 用户注意, 然而, 通过电子邮件或网络表格收集的个人信息将被视为由成年人提交, 和5月, unless exempted from access by federal or state law, 对公众开放.


Your submitted information will be used for the purpose to deliver the product, 服务, 或要求的材料. Your information may be used to communicate with you information and updates pertaining to JCC.

Disclosure of information collected through website

JCC will only collect personal information through eagle1027.com or disclose personal information collected through eagle1027.com,如果用户同意用户向JCC收集或披露这些个人信息, 构成同意JCC为用户向JCC披露信息的目的而收集和披露信息. 然而, 在下列情况下,JCC可以未经同意收集或披露个人信息:(1)为履行JCC法定职责所必需的, or necessary for JCC to operate a program authorized by law, or authorized by state or federal statute or regulation; (2) made pursuant to a court order or by law; (3) for the purpose of validating the identity of the user, 或(4)仅用于统计目的的信息,其形式不能用于识别任何特定的人. 此外,信息的披露,包括个人信息,通过sunyjcc收集.edu, 受信息自由法和个人隐私保护法的约束吗. JCC可以向联邦或州执法机构披露个人信息,以行使其权利,防止未经授权访问或试图未经授权访问JCC的信息技术资产.

Retention of information collected through this website

The Google Analytics information collected through ecc.edu is retained indefinitely through Google Analytics. 发送到sunyjcc的电子邮件.Edu域和以web形式提交的信息将无限期地保留在内部的存档系统中.

Access to and correction and erasure of personal information collected through eagle1027.com

任何用户都可以向JCC的隐私合规官提交请求,以确定是否通过sunyjcc收集了与该用户有关的个人信息.edu. 任何此类要求均应以书面提出,并必须附有用户的合理身份证明. Reasonable proof of identity may include verification of a signature, inclusion of an identifier generally known only to the user, 或类似的适当标识. 隐私合规官的地址是:詹姆斯敦社区学院人力资源总监詹姆斯敦法尔科纳街525号, NY 14702-0020.

In the event that JCC has collected personal information pertaining to a user through eagle1027.com and that information is to be provided to the user pursuant to the user’s request, 隐私合规官应告知用户,他们有权根据《网赌信誉排名网站》第95条和《网赌信誉排名网站》(GDPR)规定的程序要求修改或更正个人信息。.  除了, users may request at any time that their personal information be amended, 纠正, or erased under the procedures set forth in Section 95 of the 公共 Officers Law, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), 或其他适用法律.

Confidentiality and integrity of personal information collected through eagle1027.com

JCC is strongly committed to protecting personal information collected through eagle1027.com against unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. Consequently, JCC limits employee access to personal information collected through sunyjcc.只向那些在执行公务时需要获取信息的员工开放. 有权访问此信息的员工遵循与任何个人信息披露相关的适当程序.

除了, JCC已经实施了保护其信息技术资产完整性的程序, 包括, 但不限于, 身份验证, 授权, 监控, 审计, 和加密. These security procedures have been integrated into the design, 实现, 以及sunyjcc的日常运作.Edu作为我们对电子内容和信息电子传输安全的持续承诺的一部分. For website security purposes and to maintain the availability of sunyjcc.Edu适用于所有用户, JCC采用软件监控流量,以识别未经授权的上传或更改信息或以其他方式损害sunyjcc的企图.edu.


本网站可能会使用“cookies”," which are text files holding small amounts of data, to collect information to anonymously track how visitors interact with the Website, 包括 where they came from or what they did on the Website.  The College uses this analytical information to improve users’ experiences online. The cookies utilized by Google Analytics are stored on the device visiting the site. Google Analytics收集并呈现给JCC的信息不包括单个cookie标识符,因此JCC不会从cookie中获取个人信息.

Users do not need to have cookies turned on to use the Website. Users can disable cookies in their browser settings.


The information provided in this privacy policy should not be construed as giving business, 法律, 或者其他建议, 或保证作为故障证明, the security of information provided through eagle1027.com.


For questions regarding this Internet privacy policy, please contact our privacy officer via email at Human资源@mail.eagle1027.com 或邮寄至:詹姆斯敦福尔科纳街525号詹姆斯敦社区学院人力资源总监, NY 14702-0020


以下定义适用于, 并以斜体显示, in this policy: Personal information: For purposes of this policy, “personal information” means any information concerning a natural person which, 因为名字, 数量, 象征, mark, 或者其他标识符, 可以用来识别那个人吗. 用户:具有国家技术法第202条第八款规定的含义.